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Conversation Hub | Intersectionality & Identity

One Loud Voice

We hosted our second online 'conversation hub' and looked at placing intersectionality under the microscope, and "finding your voice" within the wider diversity and inclusion agenda.

One Loud Voice was set up to amplify the voices of those who are paving the way for progress when it comes to equality in the workplace. Our conversation hub keeps these important discussions alive!

Here's a quick recap of what we discussed. You can also watch our highlights video below.

1. What is intersectionality?

Intersectionality in its simplest form is a metaphor for the way we experience discrimination. But, at 1LV we realise it means different things to different people.

Here’s what our panellists think:

o Intersectionality is about equality, diversity and empowerment

o Feminism, if done right, can be inherently intersectional

o It’s inclusive, and considers all aspects of identity, making sure nobody is left out. We’re all complex individuals, we need to ensure every part of our identity is included.

2. Discrimination is hierarchical in nature

The law is written as though every protective characteristic is equal in the eyes of the law, but in practice some are more easily championed than others. Religion tends to fall towards the bottom of the pile. We need change, so that a woman with a religious affiliation can bring her whole self to work and not leave her religion at the door.

3. Cross-learn and share learnings

We should continue to share knowledge between different groups, particularly among groups deemed as disadvantaged.

4. It’s ok to feel uncomfortable when confronted with privilege.

We need to recognise that discomfort might be there when we consider privilege. It is important to “sit” in this discomfort, so we can start to have open dialogues and make effective change.

5. We’re in this together.

We can all mentor and be appraised. We’re all on an evolving journey, we need to continue to be alert.

However, we need to appreciate that context matters, not every country has the same views. It’s not a one size fits all approach and we need to be aware of that.

You can be visibly and invisibly different.

And finally, It’s our responsibility to continuously learn and make positive change.

So what can you do?

o Question history and progress – whose stories are centred and whose aren’t.

o Become aware of your own privileges (you only have to be honest with yourself), acknowledge and challenge your biases.

o Interact and learn from others who are from different cultural and economic backgrounds.

o Become aware of your own sense of not belonging. We all have to assume everyone is coming from that place even if they don’t look like it.

And, what can your workplace do?

o Create networks and support groups.

o Reverse mentoring.

o Promote diversity and call out initiatives that promote one perspective. We should have all types of people represented.

Some key resources we think you will enjoy:

Please leave us a comment with your thoughts below.



We are accelerating gender equality in the workplace




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