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One Loud Voice

The path to gender equality involves all of us

Our pioneering Gender Benchmark launched at the start of summer 2024. WE+ is a transformative framework that will help organisations get closer to achieving gender equality

The One Loud Voice (1LV) WE+ Measure was always designed with ‘all of us’ in mind. It’s more than three months since we launched our gender benchmark with a simple aim: to help women in the workplace at every point in their career by working with organisations and helping fix the structural imbalances in the system.

Structured around seven strategic goals WE+ gives organisations a foundation from where they can articulate their commitment to both equity and equality in the workplace. We knew from the outset that the gender benchmark would be principally about ‘Women’ and ‘Equality’, and it was also about a community – it was logical to use the word WE as part of the benchmark’s name. But it is about so much more than that: it signals change; it shines a light on inequality in a fair and impartial way (data and evidence based); it is about genders supporting each other; it is about organisations supporting their workplace. And so, WE+ was born.

Seven goals

The WE+ Measure looks at the inputs (equity) and the outputs (equality): that means it doesn’t just look at what is put in place by an organisation, it looks at how whether they are workable and adaptable for an organisation and its employees.

The seven key gender equity goals the WE+ Measure identifies are:

Goal 1 Commitment to gender equality

Goal 2 Minimise bias in recruitment, promotion and reward

Goal 3 Resolve structural issue around working patterns and benefits

Goal 4 Create psychological safety and an inclusive culture

Goal 5 Genuine partnership approach between genders

Goal 6 End gender discrimination and harassment

Goal 7 End gender pay gap

We believe that if organisations analyse their performance in these areas, they will have a clearer view of their overall commitment to gender equality where the gaps are.

The first goal sets the scene for all the goals that follow. It looks at an organisation’s level of commitment to gender equality and evaluates the presence of measurable targets aimed at achieving this equality. This process will highlight best practices and encourage organisations to adopt effective strategies and gender equity initiatives.

Measures to assess an organisation’s commitment include: the current representation of women across all roles; whether specific gender targets exist; whether there is a target for the percentage of women in middle management positions; whether there is a target for including women in the pipeline for senior management roles; whether the board has committed to achieving gender equality targets. Key measures are the gender equity actions that achieve the gender equality targets.

Organisations will receive an initial rating as well as specific feedback and leaders will see where and how they can make changes. By using the WE+ Measure, organisations will be showing teams, future employees, suppliers and customers that they are on a clear path to gender equality.

Helping change the workplace – for good

We are already signing up organisations that are keen to be part of the WE+ Measure. As we build the type of organisation, we will be able to share cross-industry data – effectively providing a super benchmark of gender equality in UK plc.

Our aim is for systemic change to ensure women are fairly represented and promoted at all stages of their careers, with a particular focus on middle management roles. We know that the talent pipeline in these roles is lacking, and it is impacting career progression to senior management roles and beyond. With the help of the benchmark, organisations will be able to set their own standards for achieving equal and appropriate representation of females and to ensure women have an equal chance of making it through the talent pipeline to senior roles.

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